Hello Beloved Daughters of God, I’m so glad you joined me today. We have some wonderful things to learn about the Kingdom today. I want to tell you about the glorious gifts of devotion. What is Devotion? It is a passionate love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. We will apply this particularly to our devotion to the Almighty King… Jesus. Our Heavenly Father loves to bless His Royal daughters when He sees that they are displaying honorable behaviors, in thought, word, and deed. YES! First and foremost, God the Father loves to shower endless gifts of devotion upon His children as sweet rewards for their love and loyalty to Him. Additionally, God will give rewards for acts of kindness and love that you give to others. In addition, everything you do on earth that is in the Spirit of love, and in devotion and serve to King Jesus, you will have eternal rewards. Angles will begin construction on your Eternal Mansion. It’s true! After serving the LORD on earth with all your heart, you will go to Heaven and find He has prepared a beautiful mansion for you that is designed with every detail exactly the […]
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