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Discovering Your Destiny

Discovering Your Destiny

Hello Royal daughters,

Today we are going to talk about something that is very dear to my heart. Your DESTINY.

First of all, I want you to understand what destiny truly is.

DESTINY: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future or the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

Furthermore, EVERYBODY has a God given destiny. God is the author of life, time, and eternity. Just as many people on earth write books and create characters, GOD has written a Book all about you. YOU are a character that GOD has created and pre-destined a perfect story for. Isn’t that amazing?!

Believe In Your Dreams!

GOD imagined who and what you would be, he wrote it down, and then breathed life into your mother’s womb for you to be born, to come to earth to live out your pre-destined Destiny.

Accordingly, you must know that each and every person on earth has a unique Destiny that God created just for them, including you.

There is one catch. The devil wants to steal that Destiny! He wants to destroy all opportunities you may have to fulfill that Divine Destiny of GOD. Even God’s Word, the Holy Bible, warns us about Satan and his hidden agenda against your Destiny.

“Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” ~ 1 Peter 5:8

Do you want to know how the devil tries to steal your Destiny? By causing you to SIN! You see, sin is the only way that we willfully rebel against God’s Will and plan for our life. When we choose to sin, we are rejecting God’s will, and following Satan’s plan for us instead. Scary stuff, I know! But it’s TRUE!!!

What is SIN? Sin is anything that GOD expressly tells us not to do in the Holy Bible.

First, there are the 10 COMMANDMENTS that must be obeyed.

These Still Stand: The 10 COMMANDMENTS #OBEY

“Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin (fornication, masturbation, perversion, or adultery), or who worship idols (false gods or anything other than the God of the Bible), or commit adultery, or nor men and women who submit to practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people–none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.” ~ 1 Corinthians 6:9

When you choose to live in sin, you will never discover the Destiny GOD has written for you. In fact, your life will become a cycle of bad behaviors that lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction, and ultimately to HELL. When you choose NOT TO SIN, and give your heart to Jesus (GOD) then Holy Spirit will guide you and lead you into all truth and knowledge of GOD. Plus, He will guide you onto the right path that will lead you into your DESTINY, and Eternal Life in HEAVEN!

Here is the list of sin GOD will not tolerate:


GOD has placed in every human soul, gifts and talents that are special just for you. These are the dreams you have and wish to accomplish one day. It could be opening your own bakery, being a world traveler, writing a book, or releasing an album. ANYTHING your heart hopes to do one day….That is the seed of your God given Destiny.

SIN and Satan and his demons are the enemies against your ability to discover your Destiny.

Most of all, your FREE WILL has power over them when you choose NOT TO SIN!

God loves you so much that He sent Jesus from Heaven to die for your sins. When you choose to accept Jesus as your LORD and Savior, sincerely turn from SIN forever, and you give your life to GOD, then you will discover your DESTINY! You’ll be protected by Heavenly Angels, guided by Holy Spirit, and have an amazing relationship with the One True Living GOD, who is in Heaven!

I tell you this because it happened to me!!!

NO doubt, all your dreams really can come true! You can walk with GOD, the KING of the Universe. His love is unfailing and His promises are true.

The Promises of GOD Are True

Therefore Royal daughters…You are Destined to rule and reign with Jesus Christ in this world as Royal Queens, as He works with you to make all your dreams come true. Then He will take you to Heaven to be with Him and all the other children of GOD, where you will continue to live a perfect life filled with joy, peace, love, fun, adventure, and excitement FOREVERMORE!!!

The wages of sin is death, but the Gift of GOD is ETERNAL LIFE. ~ Romans 6:23

Hence, my sweet Queens, if you want to discover your Destiny….PRAY THIS PRAYER:

Dear Jesus,

I am a sinner. Please forgive me for my sins. Thank you for dying for my sins. I repent for all of my sins of the past and today I turn from my sins. Please come into my heart to be my LORD and my Savior Jesus. I believe you resurrected into Eternal Life. I want Eternal Life with you Jesus. Please give me the Holy Spirit so He can guide me and lead me into the Destiny You have for me God. I love you, I trust you and I want Your Will to be done in my life. Your Perfect and Holy Will, now and forever. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe, I pray these things and receive them AMEN.

Believe In Your Dreams!Of course, now you will begin to see GOD moving in your life with supernatural experiences. Keep building your faith by reading the Bible, worship GOD for giving you Eternal Life and He will help you to fulfill your Destiny one day at a time.

Finally, as always my Queens, be love to anyone and all whom you meet. Now and forever.

Most noteworthy, please know that I love you. Go now…and fulfill your GOD given Destiny.

#BeBlessed #BeLOVE

~Jacqueline Maddison

Jacqueline Maddison is Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in empowering others with the truth.

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